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UX Improvements on left side navigation

Hello! The left side nav is quite difficult to navigate as my page count is growing, and here’s my challenges/wishlist: Competes with the list of elements on the active page, and the hover can be finecky. It’s happened that I’d try to expand the view of my pages, but moved a component on a page instead, which gets frustrating. Give me basic filters to only see live pages vs. drafts AND a count of how many pages are live would be dope (and fairly simple to build, I assume!). A nice-to-have would also be a button to expand all folders / collapse all folders. The way folders work is not intuitive: the fact that I can only move a page from one folder to the other is by: Finding the page > Click on the page > Go to settings > Change the name of the root is not great, and I wish I could simply drag and drop. I also wish I could make subfolders (nothing crazy, just one level) and tag pages with my own statuses to make it easier to see at a glance where I’m at, e.g. Live, WIP, Abandoned, Improvements needed. Would help since I now have a LOT of pages, some of which I consider archived.

An Anonymous User About 1 month ago


πŸ’‘ Feature Request