June 17th, 2024

June Update: New Components, AI Text Generation, Workspace Access Improvements

  1. New Components & Rules -

    1. New Before/After Slider, Bulleted List, Subscribe & Save, New pre-configured Product Boxes, Buy with Prime!

    2. Product Integrations no longer have to be placed inside the product box. Simply drag them onto your page and select the product in the config panel.

    3. Set initial quantity in product components. When adding a quantity selector to product components, you can now set initial quantity in the config panel.

  2. Updated AI Text Generation Flow

    1. Use the tone/voice from your live site!

    2. Includes streaming to see live updates of your page

    3. Allows you to accept or reject suggestions once they are created

  3. Multiple Projects can link to the same Shopify Store!

  4. See BOTH Workspace and Project Members from the Membership tab This allows you to see and manage everyone that has access to anything in your workspace